Safety and Security
Pursuant to the Management’s vision to maintain and improve the ISPS Compliance status, the Safety and Security Division was established with a core mandate to focus on the well-being and welfare of employees, customers, and visitors to the NPA port network.
The Division has both administrative and operational functions through which it is responsible for preparing and implementing Rules and Regulations pertaining to Personnel, Finance, Logistics, Training, Research, Planning, Operations, and other structural and disciplinary policies necessary to manage the division and effectively protect people and properties.
The Port Authority’s first fire chief was promoted and given full employment status along with her colleagues. The objective is to make the fire department one of the most highly trained firefighting forces in the country. Our firefighters underwent several trainings in emergency response, while our fire trucks were repaired to respond to any outbreak within our network and port communities. The department distributed 50 pieces of ABC dry powder fire extinguishers to various departments and locations within the NPA, including the outports.
The Liberia Seaport Police (LSP) provides around-the-clock emergency response on the Port Authority facilities and coordinates activities with local law enforcement agencies. The LSP works in collaboration with surrounding law enforcement and emergency management agencies, particularly the Liberia National Police (LNP), to ensure a coordinated response in the event of emergencies. The LSP also implements and enforces ISP’s procedures and NPA policies and regulations within all ports.