I am shipping a container to Liberia. What is the process?
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Do my goods need to be inspected before they are shipped?
We recommend that every customer contact BIVAC for a pre-shipment (PI) inspection of their goods or containers before departure. If this step is not taken, your goods will be subject to a destination (DI) inspection upon arrival. All destination inspections carry a financial penalty. To avoid inconvenience and to alleviate any difficulties, this step should be taken before the goods are shipped.
Does NPA provide tugboat & pilotage services?
Yes, the NPA does provide these services. Under our tariff and regulations, all vessels that enter our basins are required to utilize tug and pilot services to enter our basins. Except where the tugs develop technical issues, then only vessels that have a bow truster can enter the basins. However, it must still be accompanied by a pilot.
Vessels of what sizes can dock at the NPA?
Vessels that are not more than 200 meters (max) in loa (length overall) and 32 meters (max) in beam (width) can dock at the Freeport of Monrovia and The Port of Buchanan. In the Port of Greenville, vessels that are approximately 160 meters (max) in loa and 28 meters (max) in beam may dock.
I have a small business and can export goods through the NPA. How do I start?
An EPD (export permit declaration) is needed from the Ministry of Commerce to export goods through the NPA. This permit grants you the authority to export. This certification is used by the terminal operator to verify that you or your entity have the authority to export from Liberia. Your goods would be subject to the normal port charges for cargo handling before their departure to their destination abroad.
Should my goods or container be inspected before shipment?
Yes, we recommend that all port users have BIVAC conduct a pre-inspection…..to avoid further inspection at the final destination (Liberia),
Is warehousing space available in the NPA port system? And how can a company lease land?
Yes. Warehousing space in the Freeport of Monrovia and the outstations. For more information on warehousing and land, please contact us at property@npaliberia.com.
How does the NPA communicate with its port users?
The NPA conducts a monthly stakeholder meeting to address concerns and admin-related issues that port users may have. This meeting will consist of the NPA executive management team and the various shipping lines, terminal operators, and tenants that operate within our port system.
How do we load and offload cargo and containers?
All vessels entering the NPA must be self-sustaining. Thus, all vessels must have ship cranes that load and offload, as we currently do not utilize harbor cranes.
Who works on the vessels?
Every shipping agency can hire its own stevedores. However, the stevedore must be registered and licensed by the National Port Authority of Liberia.