Hon. J. Luther Tarpeh Chairman of the Board of Directors
Welcome to the National Port Authority of Liberia
Dear Stakeholders
Although our agenda for the years as a government and people was threatened by a host of global uncertainties, which virtually resulted in slow progress, the general image and stats of our Seaports continued to flourish. Our hardworking management has remained resilient; thus renewing our commitment to wake up to our dreams in order to maintain “Impressive Progress” throughout the pages of history. We have indeed stepped up to the plate to preserve ports from the Corona Virus Disease. We lived up to our commitment to support the Government’s Development Program through the National Budget by increasing our remittances.
We anticipate the implementation of key infrastructural projects in the next year and to further strengthen the long-standing relations with the Government of Liberia and the communities in which we operate.
Pursuant to our short, medium, and long-term objectives, we are inspired to encourage the participation of potential investors, partners, and our cherished port users to accelerate the wheels of our vision to a higher level.
With esteem compliments, I am pleased to reassure you of our unrelenting support to tighten our financial plan, expand the space of our profit at incremental levels and further provide a more quality and efficient service through our port operations. The task might be enormous, but it is our wish that you be a part of this venture.
Sincerely Yours,